Monday, July 22, 2013

Birth Control Makes You Crazy

Now, I have debated posting about this for the past few days when I decided to just go with it. On Wednesday I went to the Obgyn to have my birth control changed. This is the fourth pill that I have been on in the span of one year. With this last pill I have experienced a 20 lb weight gain, a loss of appetite (I know it doesn't make sense), decreased sex drive, low energy, and mood swings. I also have headaches and spots in my vision. Now you would think going to the Obgyn she would want to help me discuss ideas of what to do since the pill is not working for me, but that's not what happened.

Not only did she just hand me a few brochures on different birth controls but when I told her I haven't been able to eat for the past few days, even so far as to tell her I have only eaten a few nuts and five pieces of pasta the day before, she tells me, and I quote "Well, maybe it's a good thing your not eating. It doesn't look like you're losing any weight after all." This is the point where I just stared at her not knowing what to say and if you've read my older blog posts you'll know that this keeps happening to me. I don't know what it is about doctors and their idea that because they went to med school they can treat you like you are less of a human being.

I would "like" to say that I have never been more insulted in my life but that just isn't true. Doctors do this to me all the time and that is why I strongly dislike going to the doctor. I might even go so far as to say I loath it. I went without health insures for four years because even if I had it I wasn't going to use it.

In truth, it took me an extra 2 months to get my Pa learners permit because I didn't want to have a physical. This is not because I am in poor shape but because I know what the doctors are going to say to me. They act like what they are telling me about how I look is some sort of news flash. With the way they treat me you would think that I have no mirrors in my house and that all I do is sit on my big butt and watch Vampire Diaries. Now I do love me some Vamp Di but there's only so long you can stair at Ian Somerhalder's face before you have to get up and run around.

In some strange way I feel like I have to justify myself to these doctors and say things like, "No, I really do workout," "I swear I took my dogs on a two mile walk yesterday," and "I'm a vegetarian, I haven't touch a piece of bacon in 5 years..." But I don't say these things because most of the time when doctors say things about my weight I just get shocked into muteness.

This is something that I seek to change about myself and I hope you guys hold me to it!

P.S. if you don't know who Ian Somerhalder is here's a picture:
You're welcome!

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